Items You Can Buy in Bulk to Save Money

Do you need a list of items you can buy in bulk to save money? During financially stressful times there are many things you can and probably should purchase in bulk, and some items you might wish to give a second thought to buying in bulk unless you have the proper means to store them.

Buy In Bulk To Save Money

That line is great advice, but in order to ACTUALLY save money, you have to do a bit of math. An individual roll of toilet paper that sells for $1.00 sits on the shelf next to a four-pack of the same toilet paper, priced at $4.49. 

Which is the better deal? It’s obvious that buying four individual rolls of toilet paper at $4 is cheaper that buying the four-pack for the extra .49 cents. It’s the kind of math you might not be used to doing on the fly in the supermarket, but it’s the kind of thinking you should be doing if you are really interested in saving money.

You will find similar shell games with the pricing for items like shampoo, toothpaste, etc. Do the math before you choose.


Storage Counts

What good is buying a jumbo-sized box of ice cream bars if you don’t have enough space in your freezer to store them in? Ditto buying desserts that have melty components like chocolate–if you don’t have a cool, dry place to keep them all, the waste you generate will make your purchase seem like a wasteful indulgence.

Food you can purchase in bulk such as beans, rice, and pasta require humidity control to keep from spoiling. A 20 pound bag of rice will keep you in carbs for a good long time unless you have mold issues that can creep in if the heat and humidity aren’t kept under control.

Some Suggestions For Buying In Bulk

You can buy in bulk to save money in a lot of areas. Here’s a list of items you should consider stocking up on to save money through volume discounts:

  • Dishwasher detergent
  • Laundry detergent
  • Cat litter
  • Pet food of all kinds (watch the expiration dates carefully!)
  • Dryer sheets
  • Undergarments
  • Shaving supplies
  • Bottled water
  • Seasonings
  • Condiments
  • Toothpaste
  • Hair products
  • Rope, twine, string, and thread
  • Art supplies
  • Frozen meat
  • Frozen vegetables
  • Sports drinks
  • Peanut butter
  • Cooking Oil

The expiration dates on everything should be carefully examined, especially on bottled water, pet food, and frozen foods. Don’t assume that just because dry goods require no refrigeration that they do not spoil. Many grains last a long time, but they do not last indefinitely–do some research to learn what the average shelf life of your non-refrigerable goods are.

Some expiration dates are more “suggestions” than others–never take a chance with tomatoes or other foods prone to food-borne illnesses when they go bad.