Why Healthcare Is So Expensive: Everything You Need to Know About Capitation

Do a quick Google on health care in the United States, and you’ll see one thing plastered all over the media: how expensive it is. There’s no doubt that health care in this country is extremely expensive especially compared to the rest of the developed world.

One of the ways that the economy attempts to deal with these rising insurance costs is capitation. If you’re familiar with the industry, then you’ve probably heard this term before.

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Should I Get a Personal Loan? Here’s How to Know If You Need One

Are you thinking about taking out a personal loan to pay for, say, a big-screen TV for your living room?

This is probably not a good idea. You’ll be much better off setting aside a little bit of money every month for the next six months or so to pay for the TV outright in cash.

There are, however, lots of other instances in which you’ll ask the question, “Should I get a personal loan?”, and the answer will be a resounding “Yes!” There are so many great ways that you can use a personal loan to your advantage.

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How to File Taxes for Freelance Work

Are you living life as a freelancer? You know that there are a lot of uncertainties that go with it. You don’t know where your next client will come from. You have to hustle a lot.

You also have to pay your own taxes. This usually causes a lot of confusion among freelancers. It can also get you in trouble with the IRS if you don’t know what you’re doing.

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7 Top Tips for the Best Online Banking Security

The digital era in which we live is ripe with opportunity.

It can be used for good, like starting a business, connecting with loved ones, and staying up to speed on current affairs. But, alas, it can be (and is) used for bad as well.

Security issues are a particular area of concern.

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