How Much Does It Cost to Own a Private Jet?

Imagine being able to fly whenever you wanted to. Not having to wait for your flight to arrive, fuel and board. Gone are the days of you sitting in front of that annoying 9-year-old who keeps kicking your seat. We are talking about owning a private jet, but how much does it cost to own … Read more

Are You Ready to Buy Your First Home?

Buying your first home can be one of the most exciting and rewarding events of your life. It can be a rite of passage into adulthood and a first step towards financial independence. But while home ownership can have countless benefits and advantages, it also comes with increased responsibility, some uncertainty and a major personal … Read more

How Much Should You Budget for an Engagement Ring?

Guys always seem to have a tough time coming up with the right amount they need to save when buying an engagement ring. Even though there’s lots of information online about this topic, we often get mixed messages and it’s difficult to tell the true amount a guy needs to save in order to get … Read more

Property Insurance Ensures Protection for all Valuable Possessions at Home

There are times when you may experience loss, destruction, stealing or damage caused to your valuable possessions back home. Personal Property insurance or Contents insurance reimburses you for such unforeseen and unexpected turnout of events. At the same time, you must find out whether you actually need “contents insurance” or not. Create a list of … Read more